Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Wiffer Girl

 Lilian is my near constant companion. She follows me around everywhere. She accompanies me on errands, taxi driving, rehearsals and voice lessons. We watch TV together, read together, cook together, many times she climbs in my bed at night and we even go to sleep together. But there are plenty of evenings when I have things going on where she gets told "no, you have to stay home." She doesn't like that. She likes to be my buddy, go where I go. So there have been many times where I am leaving to the sound of her tears and complaints.

When Bryan tells her that she can't go, that she needs to stay home with him this time, she'll tearfully reply "But I want to go wiff her!" Struggling with the TH sound in with, Bryan teases her about being the "wiffer girl."

So when I had to reschedule my ticket date to see Hale Centre Theatre's Chitty Chitty Bang Bang I decided to add an extra ticket and bring the Wiffer Girl with me. After all, when her older siblings were her age, I took each one of them to see their first musical at Hale. Rebekah saw Seven Brides For Seven Brothers, Julianne saw Annie, and with Brandon, it was Beauty and the Beast. So maybe it was time to bring Lilian wiff me to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

And now neither one of us can get the song out of our heads....

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