(Oh! Look at that sad face!)
Brandon took Lilian outside to play yesterday while we were making Easter dinner. About 15 minutes later he came back in carrying Lilian who was crying pretty hard. Apparently he had bounced her too high on the trampoline and she had lost her balance and fallen. I got her blanket and binky and tried to console her but just as I would think she'd be calming down, another round of whimpering would start. I could tell something wasn't right and started questioning Brandon about the details of the fall. It took me awhile to figure out where she was hurt but Lilian finally showed me where she had an "ouch". It was her leg...or more precisely, her knee. And then when I tried to stand her up on it and she absolutely refused and started crying even harder, I knew we had a problem. All evening long I had to hold her very carefully so as not to bump her leg. This morning we took her into the insta-care. Seeing as there wasn't too much swelling or bruising and she would let me touch her leg, just not bend it...I figured maybe it had been hyperextended or "jammed". But after an x-ray we were told that it actually was fractured. They wrapped her from toes to hip with a splint and lots of ace bandages, made us an appointment with an orthopedic specialist for a few days from now and sent us home with instructions not to have her put any weight on her leg. They said it would probably take 4 weeks to heal. Maybe she'd be able to walk on it after a couple of weeks. Hmmm. I'm seeing a lot of books, puzzles and videos in our future. And I'm seeing the state of my house going downhill.

I found myself close to tears watching them bandage Lilian up. It's not fun to see your baby in pain and know that she has an injury. We've never had any broken bones in our family up to this point.

We stopped at Target on our way home to invest in some casual, knit dresses. Her jeans are so not going to fit over that big bandage.
oh poor Lilian. It makes me sad. I hope that her legs feels better soon.
Poor girl. She does at least look happy in the 3rd picture. Hope your next couple weeks get easier and easier. Call me it you need anything.
I'm so sorry! If there is anything we can do let me know. Give her a big hug for me.
Oh poor baby! That makes me so sad! I hope she starts to feel better and better. And I hope that Brandon isn't feeling too bad about the whole thing!
Ack. That's what scares me! Jon knows he's on call if something like that happens because I'll be bawling!
Poor, poor Lilian! Come visit us if you get bored and need something to do!
Oh poor girl!! Coloring comes in handy!! I loved doing that when I had a cast.
Poor, poor baby, and poor family who will have to have lots of downtime - just think of it as quality time with her instead of lost time not doing other things!
Poor little Lillian. Broken bones are so sad! I hope she is feeling a little better now, and I hope the weeks go by quickly while she heals!
Ouch!! Poor kid!
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