Saturday, April 4, 2020

Wedding plan changes

I tell you what, it's super difficult to plan a wedding during a worldwide pandemic when you have no idea how long it will last or how bad it will get, and every day is another announcement of new closures and restrictions. We'd been putting off talking about it for awhile, hoping time would illuminate the situation. And I suppose it's done exactly that. We had to start talking about a Plan B. Which then turned into Plan C and beyond as we've been working our way through the alphabet. We're likely at Plan G by now, and may end up at Plan Q by the time we get them married. We had to cancel the reception center and all plans for a large celebration after the wedding. The ceremony itself now will be a civil one officiated by Jordan's father (who by profession is a judge), with a sealing down the road when temples open back up again. The original date of June 12th was so settled upon partly because Jordan's sister was set to be out of the country on a humanitarian trip the entire month of May. But as with so much else these days, that trip has been cancelled. Was there any reason to still be waiting till June? The two lovebirds have decided to move their date up to May 8th. We are considering any and all outdoor locations to hold the ceremony but they have been leaning towards the Salt Flats on the Utah/Nevada border which should be beautiful. There is sadness at not being able to invite anyone other than immediate grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles or friends, because of the no gatherings over 10 rule (we are fudging it a bit seeing as between the two immediate families we are already at 14, but in the middle of the Salt Flats, we're figuring it's likely okay). But suddenly Julianne has been rejuvenated in regards to wedding planning. The huge party and other traditional wedding events had seemed to overwhelm her a bit. A small, personable affair became more about her and Jordan and much less about the guests. 

Luckily Fantasy Bridal, the wedding dress boutique where we had bought Julianne's dress, was still operating (by appointment only). Julianne had been having second thoughts about her dress when we went in for a fitting for alterations. And especially now that the wedding was going to have a completely different vibe from the original, she asked if there was any way they'd let her look a bit more and potentially exchange if she found a dress she felt would feel more right. Somewhat surprisingly, they said yes. She tried on a few, also realizing that she did indeed like her original dress more than she had remembered...but when she came out in this last dress, our jaws just dropped. It was like birds were singing...she knew, we knew. This was THE DRESS. Bless Fantasy Bridal for working so hard to make sure these pandemic brides still had the best wedding experience they could, even amongst so much uncertainty and change. 

The first dress, bought back in December during a very different time and very beautiful, yes?

But would you look at this? Absolutely and completely stunning! 
She is going to be the most gorgeous bride. 
Amazing how much things have changed in the course of just a few months.

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