Monday, April 13, 2020

Engagement photo shoot

Julianne and Jordan hired Brandon to take their engagement photos. It's been a little tricky to find a weekend when Brandon could come up, which has panicked me just the slightest bit as I've been going through the time table in my mind and making a check list: 

taking the photos

giving Brandon time to edit them

picking an announcement design 

ordering and then getting said announcements back from the printer

making a list and collecting addresses of family, friends and neighbors

stuffing and addressing the envelopes

dropping them at the post office in a timely manner 

With the wedding date moved up, time is short. One thing in our favor however, is that we are not inviting anyone to anything since we can't hold a reception, we are just announcing the marriage. Which means that having the announcement in the recipients hands a few weeks in advance so they can save the date is not an issue. If we get them into mailboxes even just a day or two ahead we'll be fine. I'm breathing a bit easier.

We first headed up to Mueller Park Canyon for some shots, and then to the Utah Capitol Building where the cherry blossoms were in bloom.  Brandon had brought Abbie up with him for the weekend to be his assistant and help with poses. Lilian and I tagged along just for fun. It was such a pretty day and there were a lot of people taking advantage of the nice weather to get out of their houses a bit, even as we all tried to social distance.

The Utah State Capitol Building is incredibly beautiful...especially in the spring.

We had a startling realization that not only are Abbie and Julianne are the same height (5' tall) but Lilian almost meets them. In addition to height, apparently Abbie and Julianne also have similar personalities. Brandon told us later that on the drive home from the photo shoot Abbie said, "So...did you ever realize you are basically dating your sister?" ha.  

This is one of my favorite candids from the day. Brandon is getting a great shot of Jordan hugging Julianne, but what neither of them saw was the silly face Julianne was giving me behind their backs. 


Julianne decided she wanted to see if maybe she could give Jordan a piggyback ride. It didn't go quite as well... 

Not sure entirely what was going on here...some sort of silly discussion which ended in an enormous Julianne sneeze. Brandon kept snapping, getting a photo series of all their funny facial expressions. 

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