Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Happy Easter

Easter brought an equal sense of normality and strangeness this year. No in-person church services and special Sacrament Meeting programs this year. Lamb of God that brought such meaning last year during the Easter season cancelled just days before we were to start our first of 10 performances last month. But gathering together as a family for a traditional meal, coloring easter eggs, filling a basket for Lilian, hunting for eggs in the backyard, listening to Lamb of God on CD...all of these were blessedly familiar and a bit of balm for the soul. 

Brandon was invited to spend Easter weekend with Abbie's family at their cabin in Brian Head. In our recreation of the traditional Easter egg pic, we texted and asked Brandon to take a picture of himself and send it to us. I took a picture of the rest of the kids, making sure we had a spot for Brandon, and then Tanner added him to the picture. Ah, the wizardry of modern technology. 




We hadn't originally thought to do an Easter egg hunt, but Lilian was kind of hankering for one all the same. We tracked down some colored plastic eggs in the basement and assigned one color to each hunter. Tanner decided rather than hunt, he'd prefer to hide the eggs. There wasn't anything in the eggs, the thrill was less about candy and more about the finding. 

But unbeknownst to Jordan, there was a rather significant something in one of his blue eggs...
A big blue egg was hiding in this pine tree. Julianne's face...she was obviously in on whatever was hidden inside.

Remember when Julianne said she planned to propose again when she got Jordan's ring? Jordan opened the big blue egg to find a ring box inside. Julianne dropped to one knee and asked him to marry him all over again. How many proposals does this make now? I'm guessing these two probably aren't done and they will continue to propose marriage to each other the rest of their lives.

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