Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Senior Prom

The day after the Sweethearts Dance Brandon got a call from his date, Navie. She sounded somewhat panicked as she told Brandon that rumor had it someone was planning to ask her to Prom the next day. Brandon failed to see what the problem was. He congratulated her on getting a date so early and told her it was okay if she went with someone else...especially seeing as they had just attended Sweethearts together.
BUT, she said...but she wanted to go to the dance with Brandon! It was the biggest, fanciest dance of the year and as they were more or less a couple, shouldn't they go together? Please, would he come ask her that very night before the other boy had a chance to? Brandon thought the whole thing was rather crazy seeing as Prom was still 2.5 months away. Why in the world were people already putting together dance asks this early? But he agreed and asked Jordan and Julianne to help him come up with a Prom ask and then also to assist in carrying it out.

So on that snowy Sunday evening with a huge box filled with balloons in the back of the truck, we stealthily pulled up to Navie's house. Brandon and Jordan hopped out, grabbed the box and once on the front porch Brandon crawled inside. Jordan affixed the lid, rang the doorbell and then ran (half slid) down the snow covered driveway back to the truck where we then took off down the street.
When Navie opened up the front door she found a package addressed to her. And though she obviously wasn't too surprised, she was reportedly rather delighted when Brandon popped out of the box with a PROM? sign after she took off the lid.

A couple weeks later Brandon came home and interrupted Navie mid-Prom Answer as she was saran wrapping his bed, desk, dresser and various other possessions in his bedroom. (And yes, I did lift these pictures off Navie's instastories...)

At first I was a little dismayed when I realized that I'd have to buy Brandon a full suit for Prom considering he didn't actually own one. Until I realized that this one suit that he'd be able to wear again, was so much less expensive than all the many formal dresses I'd bought and rented for his two older sisters throughout all their high school years. Brandon actually enjoyed suit shopping quite a bit, especially when he found one that looked nearly identical to one that Ryan Reynolds wears. Because as everyone knows, Ryan Reynolds is one attractive man, especially in a suit, and it never hurts to adopt his look, yes?  

Prom weekend arrived and there was a flurry of coordinating a tie to the dress, getting flowers, arranging for photography, planning and carrying out the day activity and then getting ready for the big dance. Don't they clean up nice?

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