(The "Core Four"... Jessie with a mission call to Bakersfield, California-English speaking, Lauren with a mission call to Paris, France-French speaking, Julianne with a mission call to Morristown, New Jersey-Spanish speaking, and Taylor who just married her sweetheart 6 weeks ago. These girls...all grown up and going off into the world. Oh my heart!)
Julianne was asked to speak about the temple. She loved the opportunity to really think about her feelings for and the things she had learned about and in the temple. And though I know that my daughter is quite a deep thinker, very perceptive and incredibly thoughtful, I was still kind of blown away at some of the insights she shared...things that I hadn't ever really thought about in all my many years of going to the temple.
And then if that weren't enough, Rebekah and her boyfriend Tanner got up right afterwards to sing a beautiful musical number, a duet about the Savior. Then it was Lauren's turn. And just wow, what a meeting! I had been incredibly frazzled and emotional leading up to Sacrament Meeting...all the preparations for the open house afterwards, the stress of making sure Julianne was ready to go on Tuesday, the emotions of her leaving...all just weighing so heavily. But the spirit of that meeting somehow calmed me and buoyed me up.
After Sacrament Meeting we hosted...breakfast? Lunch? It was breakfast time but more of a lunch type of spread. So brunch? Lots of various kinds of food for all to come enjoy while they mingled and chatted and said their goodbyes to Julianne. I can't count how many we fed. There were so many at the house, some that I didn't even see and was only told later that they had been there. There were many that came to the church meeting to wish Julianne well, but were unable to come to the house afterwards. And though I tried to take pictures, I didn't even think about pulling out my camera until many had already left. And then after the three hour church block ended, we had neighbors drop by, and other relatives. I was so very touched by all the visitors. So many people, some making very long drives, all wanting to support Julianne and make sure she knew how much they love and admire her.

(Couldn't stop laughing at Melissa's photo bomb as she threw herself unexpectedly into the picture at the last minute...)

(Aww....I look at Julianne's "core four" and see my own "musketeers"...my childhood besties. If Julianne's four end up having a relationship later in life anywhere close to what I have with my musketeers then she will be very rich indeed.)
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