Thursday, February 13, 2020

The one where Julianne turns 22

Julianne has had another birthday. This one marking her 22nd year. I still remember the days when her birthdays were filled with gifts of Teletubbies and dress-ups. Or the one where she wanted everything wedding themed and I made her a wedding cake and put birthday candles on it. And now here we are celebrating her last birthday as a single gal. Where does the time go?

Remember back in the day how she insisted her birthday be a whiz bang, traditional celebration? She was more excited about the hoopla than the presents. As she gets older maybe that will fade a bit, I'm not sure. But just in case, I figured we'd better have a plenty of birthday revelry to ring in the big day. Or at least as much as is possible when her birthday is in the middle of the week, she doesn't live at home anymore, and you are constrained by a weekend visit/Sunday dinner. 

The girls, as per tradition, made a birthday banner. But in this case we moved the whole production into the TV room so they could also watch home movies from when Julianne was a young'un. 

Decor, dinner and gifts....

And then cupcakes. In Julianne style, when told she needed to make a wish before blowing out the candle, she made a myriad of faces as she tried to figure out what exactly to wish for. Considering she already had a fancy, new, engagement ring on her finger...maybe it took a minute to think about what more she could really want? 


This picture is actually from the night before when Rebekah and Tanner, Julianne and Jordan all came home. Rebekah and Tanner are getting their first glimpse of the sparkly on Julianne's left hand while Jordan is fastidiously searching online for an apartment they can rent after they get married. Made me laugh. 

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