I checked Lilian out from school an hour early on Wednesday and with suitcases already packed and in the back of the car, we left straight from there to meet up with Melissa and her daughter, Maddy. We made it to our motel in Hanksville after a four hour drive filled with snacks, girly chatting and singing along to musical theatre soundtracks. {Throughout the course of our four days on the road we sang our way through Wicked, Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, Come From Away, Waitress, Freaky Friday and Tuck Everlasting.} We had dinner at a local cafe and then settled in for the night. Our road trip was officially underway!

The next morning we continued the short distance back to Goblin Valley. And then...WOW! The place is incredibly beautiful in a kind of otherworldly way. It's no wonder they used the locale for filming an alien planet scene in Galaxy Quest. {Side note: The girls had not seen Galaxy Quest and while describing the plot, mentioned that Tim Allen was in it. We were surprised to realize they had no idea who he was either until we referenced Buzz Lightyear. ha! I think a viewing of Galaxy Quest is in our future. Such a hilarious movie.}
Goblin Valley is truly a delight. The girls had a wonderful time clambering all over the rocks. We adventured up, down and all over that place and even after spending multiple hours down in the middle of it all I still couldn't get over the view.
{The sky and clouds were so amazing that morning...especially against all that red rock!}

A couple of outtakes:
1) We decided this rock formation looked like a face and the girls convinced me to give it a little kiss.
2) Melissa the photobomber!!!
After leaving Goblin Valley we drove through Glen Canyon which equally knocked my socks off. I made Melissa pull over a few times so as to take it all in more thoroughly. I forget sometimes what a beautiful and varied state Utah is.

We pulled up to Four Corners around 5:30pm and found the place closed. What?! It hadn't occurred to me that a place like that could close. I didn't realize that Four Corners was on a Navajo reservation. Somehow I'd had it in my head that it was a monument in the middle of a little town on the border and that you could pull up any time of day or night and happily position yourself in all four states. Research fail on that one. Also strangely, the sign said that it closed at 4:50pm. A bit random? We missed the closing by 40 minutes and found ourselves a little baffled along with a few other carloads of families who were in a similar predicament.
Disappointed, we could do nothing but head on to Mesa Verde to check into our hotel, but decided to get up extra early the next morning to make the drive back out to Four Corners. Out of our way at that point or not, we couldn't be this close and miss it. A bit of a silver lining? Or maybe I should call it an orange lining...the drive up to the top of Mesa Verde was absolutely beautiful and we were rewarded with a stunning sunset.

So the next morning we woke the girls earlier than they would've liked {but later than we had originally planned} and drove back down the mesa and south to Four Corners. Because we were there shortly after it opened, it wasn't very crowded. There were signs limiting groups to three pictures each so that lines to stand in the coveted spot marking Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Arizona wouldn't get too long. But we ended up being able to spend plenty of time taking as many silly pictures as we wanted. Around the perimeter were booths set up with Navajo crafts, art and jewelry for sale. The girls wanted to buy some jewelry as a souvenir and took their time at each and every booth. I don't think Melissa and I really minded, especially seeing as we ended up buying ourselves a few souvenirs as well. Who would've guessed that standing in four different states at once on an Indian reservation would've given me such a thrill, but it really did. I'm so glad we went.

Up next... the spectacular Mesa Verde.
1 comment:
I love your blog posts. You capture just the right amount of details with just the right information. Maybe I'll just steal it straight from here to put into my book :) This will forever be one of my all-time favorite trips. I'm so glad we went. Cannot wait to see your Mesa Verde post!
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