Brandon got asked to the Christmas Dance by Carin, a girl he didn't initially know very well but who was in his photography class. Besides the Homecoming dance his sophomore year, Brandon hadn't been to any other high school dances. He just hasn't been very invested in the social and extracurricular of high school. His life has revolved around gymnastics and gym friends. And the few girls that he did hang out with his junior year were all a year younger and not allowed to date yet because they were under 16. So this Christmas Dance invite was a bit of a surprise, but a happy one.
Brandon set out to get to know Carin better as the weeks led up to the dance. Texting commenced. And then some hang outs and dates, and even a joint photography adventure. By the time the dance rolled around, Brandon was super excited. We found a tie that matched her dress and ordered a corsage. Brandon kept asking me if he needed to get tickets or pay for dinner or pick her up. "No," I replied each time. "This is a girls choice dance, she invited you. Flower and matching tie...that's all you have to do." To which he responded, "This is awesome! I love girls choice dances!"
They went to an Escape Room for the day activity. Brandon hadn't ever done one before and said he'd had the best time. Dance day consisted of dinner, dancing, a movie afterwards and then even a few kisses before the night ended. Sounds like a good time was had by all.
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