Friday, January 25, 2019

Welcome, January

It's January.

A lot of people bemoan the very existence of this month. It's cold, it's dreary. The dreaded Utah valley inversion sets in which is distressing for many on various levels from heath issue concerns to just lack of sun being able to pierce through the gunk. Post holiday depression sets in as the merriment of Christmas festivities finishes up and all the Christmas lights come down. For one reason or another, I think January gets thought of as the worst month. The gum under your shoe, the math test you are dreading, the armpit of the year.

I like January.
There, I said it. Feel free to label me as crazy if you'd like.
Frankly, January is a relief.

I love the holidays. I throw my heart and soul into any and all things autumn, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and snow. It is my favorite time of year.
But it's exhausting.
These months are busy for everyone, I know...especially December. So I don't want to set this up as an i-am-busier-than-you sort of contest. But for me personally, it was the craziest December I have ever had. And as wonderful as it was, I am heartily relieved to have it done.
Just for my own record:
December consisted of, beyond just the normal daily activities and house keeping chores...
* 7 hours of Willy Wonka auditions over 2 days
* 7 hours of deliberations as we cast the show
* multiple Willy Wonka meetings as a big committee at the school involving school administration and PTA, and smaller planning sessions with the director, stage manager, choreographer and me (the music director).
* Christmas gift planning, buying and wrapping
* prepping for Julianne's arrival home from her mission on the 19th
* loving on Julianne, unpacking, shopping, and in all ways trying to get her settled into RM status
* family Christmas parties (non of them hosted by me, thank goodness)
* performing in 4 Christmas concerts, as well as dress rehearsals
* Christmas Day!
* Julianne's missionary homecoming on the 30th in which we spent those 5 days between Christmas and the Homecoming baking and cleaning and then day of, feeding uncounted hordes of well wishers
* hosting a New Years Eve party for a small group of friends
* and then if you'll allow me to dip into the first week of January...packing, shopping and in all ways getting Julianne ready for college and then officially moving her into her new apartment in Provo

I am tired. Even still. So January for me, though still busy with my ever increasing involvement in rehearsals for Willy Wonka (I will continue to eat, sleep and breathe Willy Wonka until the end of February) I only have that. And it's a relief.

Other reasons I like January? It's cold and dreary. I don't mind it. In fact, and you may have heard me mention this before, I'm a firm believer that if we live in a state that boasts four distinct seasons, those seasons should act as they are meant to. I get a little irrationally grumpy when January is 60 degrees and sunny. (I'm looking at you, 2018.) And when it comes down to it, summer is my least favorite season. I know, another reason to label me as crazy. I deal with cold better than heat. I'd much rather shovel snow than mow my lawn. Dreary weather days make me feel cozy inside my house.

I like the fresh slate feel of a new year. Goals and plans and new beginnings.
And as sad as it can sometimes feel to take down my beloved Christmas decor, I like a house that suddenly feels less cluttered and much more clean and simple.

So, are welcome. At least by me.

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