Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Chester does 2017

Lilian knew full well it was me hiding Chester this year and had no qualms about touching him or picking him up. She'd compliment me when I displayed Chester in a particularly creative way or if it took her awhile to find him. Overall, I think she still looked forward to looking for him each morning and enjoyed the experience. As did I. As much of a hassle it is sometimes to remember late at night or first thing in the morning to hide the little guy...I still enjoy the tradition of it all and watching Lilian's excitement. I even get a kick out of finding a particularly fun or new idea that I can use from pinterest. (Is that weird?)

See here for when I spilled the beans about Chester not being real.
Hanging from the lamp, aided by a sparkly Christmas light necklace (no, he is not trying to strangle himself, no matter how it may look). Sitting in our new wreath above the fireplace. Setting up a cozy movie night with popcorn, hot chocolate, and Home Alone. Hanging out with the little girlie elves on the bookshelf downstairs. Reading the Christmas stories. Suggesting we watch The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Sporting some long wrapping paper legs. A little Merry Christmas message written on the eggs in the fridge. And blowing chewing gum bubbles.

 A cotton ball bath in the bathroom sink.

 Who knew that Chester had flying reindeer powers? (Lilian actually set this one up.)

 A post-it-note Christmas tree.

 On the gallery wall above the stairs.

 Sitting in a Titanic White Star Line goblet on the shelf in the kitchen. favorite of this season: Chester climbing up the wall using Christmas bows.

 Game night with the nutcrackers!

 Hiding in the pantry with some finger lights so he can see.

 Sipping hot chocolate from the tops of the cupboards.

See ya next year, Chester...

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