All the kids were able to arrange their schedules to come, including Jordan with Julianne and the newly marrieds, Rebekah and Tanner who were unsure at first whether they'd be able to make it, so busy were they with getting Rebekah's new 4th grade classroom set up and her lesson plans created. But it all worked out and we spent 5 days in some serious family nights and slumber parties, movies, hiking, exploring West Yellowstone {although we did end up foregoing a trip into the actual park, go figure}, even taking in a play at the Playmill Theatre. Snacking, BBQing, hammocking inside the cabin, reading, Playstation gaming, moose sighting {also a bat stuck in the shutters and a snake in the driveway}, and even Sunday church in a big overflow cabin at the local meetinghouse. It was a pretty good mix of activity and relaxation.
There was a binder filled with information about the cabin specifically and the area generally that Julianne read through shortly after we arrived. One section was all about being "Bear Aware" describing the different kinds {Black, Brown and Grizzly} and what you should do if you encounter each. Being Julianne, she insisted on role playing defensive situations. In one case the recommendation was identifying yourself {standing tall and wide and making sure the bear knows you are a human and not an animal}. Brandon said, "So what...I should say, 'Me, Brandon...You, Bear' or something like that?" The whole thing was hilarious and had us laughing till we cried.
Tanner, Rebekah, Julianne and Jordan saw a comedy called The Foreigner. I'd seen it numerous times but none of them had and they came home raving about how great it was and how hard they laughed. {Also, we've decided to call them "the spectacled squad" when all four of them are wearing their glasses.}
One day we hiked the Upper Coffee Pot Trail. The river was calm and placid where we started, and then became more and more rapid further upstream. And the views were pretty gorgeous.

Tanner had a great time skipping rocks along the smooth water. And at one point he and Jordan decided to trail run ahead for a bit.

After church on Sunday {where I was rather delighted that the opening song was Our Mountain Home So Dear} we drove out to explore Upper Mesa Falls.

The cabin was pretty perfect for some serious relaxation and fun...
Here I was able to get a picture of everyone below either reading, napping or working on some project or another down in the living room.
This grassy area was across the street from our cabin and worked well for Spike Ball.
Game night, every night.

One evening Julianne, Lilian and I went for a walk around the "neighborhood" where we also found a momma and baby moose. I wanted to get closer but Julianne wouldn't allow it...

We took a few family pictures out on the deck before heading home. I could've used one more day...but I'm so glad we got the chance to enjoy this family time and bid farewell to summer.