Monday, February 8, 2021

"The cold never bothered me anyway..."

Ice Castles in Midway near Park City has been on my bucket list for a long time. Every December I tell myself I'm going to make it happen "this year"...but then because the operating dates are dependent on weather, I have to wait to make an appointment. And either I completely forget, or by the time I get on their website our schedules don't align with dates they still have available, or it's already March of a dry and warm winter and they are closing early. "This year" I was a little more determined, deciding that I'd also make it a big family event and invite all the older kiddos as well. And though that meant an even trickier time finding a day that would work for all seven of us (Brandon down in Cedar City wasn't able to make it) we got it scheduled and tickets purchased! 

The appointed day arrived and it was snowing. All day and fairly heavily. I was a bit distressed over this. Because although yes, this is a winter activity and snow is very much part of the equation, I was worried that if the actively falling snow was too heavy they might just close the place down for the evening. And wouldn't that just be my luck?

The drive through Parley's Canyon was a bit dicey at times, but by the time we made it to the Ice Castles, the snow was falling lightly and prettily and rather perfectly for a winter activity like this. Honestly, it felt a bit like we were hanging out in a snow globe. We had timed our reservations for our arrival to still be in the light so we could get a full view of the natural snow and ice, with sunset fast falling so we could also take advantage of the colored lights within the ice that come on after dark. 

It was truly beautiful. We so enjoyed our little winter adventure up in the ice and snow. I'm so glad that "this year" ended up actually being this year. 

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