Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Gift wrapping

I've been procrastinating my gift wrapping.  I've had most everything bought for weeks.  But instead of wrapping, I've left them in the Amazon boxes and the Target sacks that they came in and let them sit in a pile in the corner of my room.  But Christmas is in a week and a half.  (10 days, people!!)  So today I pulled out he gift wrap and started in on the job.  My room is a mess.

And I ran out of To/From stickers.  Because Lilian found them a few weeks ago and did this:

But come evening I happily left the mess behind and went to the high school Christmas choral concert to see Rebekah sing.  Doesn't she look beautiful?  (Personally, I'm loving the way she rocks those red tights....)

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