Like most of you, my cell phone has a camera. It's a great tool for those funny little unexpected shots that pop up when you are out and about. But then, a lot of times I forget they are on my camera. So this post is dedicated to those random shots that have been collecting over the past few months in my cell phone.

Lilian and I went to a wedding reception last night. It was in a greenhouse....all sorts of flowers, trees, fountains and sparkly lights everywhere. Very pretty. Lilian was having a great time wandering around. I
thought I was watching her closely, glancing over and making sure I knew where she was every couple of minutes in-between talking to relatives. She seemed happy and content playing with the rocks on the ground and sniffing flowers. Maybe I wasn't watching as closely as I thought. Because all of the sudden I realized that she was not just sniffing, but
picking flowers and daintily throwing them into the fountain. And then, less daintily, reaching in to pull them back out again...hence the soaking clothes. Argh!

Shopping at Old Navy. I was searching through a pile of pants, trying to find my size when I realized Lilian was missing. I found her up front holding hands with this mannequin. She seemed rather excited that it was just her size. It was a battle to keep her with me, she was just so obsessed with that darn mannequin!

Last month, a few days before "Power In His Touch" opened, Lilian and I headed over to the Union Station to help load and move scenery and sets to the theatre. In all actuality, it was my big truck that they needed more than my wimpy muscles. So while the heavy lifting was going on, Lilian and I got to check out the big trains.

It's not unusual for Lilian to fall asleep in the car. But like this?
I love having a camera on my phone too. I never know what my kids are going to take photos of, but it sure is fun to find the cute suprizes.
wow - that sleeping picture is a good one! I love all those pics - the wet handprint on the top picture, the mannequin story - all great.
I can't believe she could sleep like that! Hilarious!
I can't believe she could sleep like that! Hilarious!
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