Visiting my grandparents at their cabin in Star Valley, Wyoming the summer of 1992. Their cabin was named "Twice Glad." I asked my Grandma about that, what that meant, exactly. She replied that when visitors come to stay she and my grandpa were, "Once glad to see you come, twice glad to see you go." Being a teenager I just nodded my head and then walked away with what was probably a quizzical look on my face. I still didn't really understand. It was years later as an adult that I finally understood the meaning behind the name of their cabin. And I laugh every time I think about it.
I've been thinking a lot about my grandma lately. This past week she was diagnosed with colon cancer that has metastasized to her liver. It's never fun to have a time limit placed on ones you love. I'm glad I have some wonderful memories.
I love the photo! You all look so happy. And I can't believe how much your girls look like your sisters.
So cute. I am loving the little baby that Rachel has on her lap- so funny to see the little girl side of her now that she's all grown up.
I love that picture. What a great looking family!
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