Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trick or Treat

Ready for the Halloween 2012 Fashion Show?

Proceeding in an oldest to youngest order, first down the runway would be:
...who spent the first little bit of the evening helping hand out candy with friend Patricia, both of whom then made their way down to friend Jenny's house for other such Halloween fun. I think a movie was involved. Truth be told, I think they were a little bit been-there-done-that seeing as their Halloween observance was last weekend with the big Halloween Dance at the high school.  Want a sneak peak? Here is a picture of their group. (More pics and details to come when I track them down....being a girls choice dance, I wasn't around for the pick-up door-scene and didn't get any pictures of my own. Rumor has it the parents of Rebekah's date has oodles. Plus a couple of the other moms....all of whom have promised emails full of pictures for me very soon.)

Next up:

....who went to a Halloween party last weekend as a fairy, to school as a tutu-wearing nerd and then Halloween night as Robin Hood. This girl just kind of played it by ear and came up with costumes to fit whatever circumstances called for....usually with minimal time to spare.
Me: "What are you wearing to the party tonight?"
Julianne: "Oh, I'm not sure yet. I think maybe a tutu will be involved."
Me: "Isn't the party in less than an hour???"
Julianne: (unconcerned) "Yep."

And then we've got:
 ....who surprised me by showing up to the neighborhood pre-trick-or-treating dinner looking like a mustached muchacho with friends Larsen and Branson. And oh, how I laughed! But what about his originally planned costume, I asked?
Ah-ha...there it is:
For those who are Dr. Who un-initiated...this is "The Empty Child." (And trust me, that empty child is freaky!!) The gas mask came off fairly early into trick-or-treating, I believe. Heavy and hot and maybe the slightest bit hard to breathe in.

And then finally:

 ...who promptly ditched the wig, hat and broom before even leaving the house. She and I were trick-or-treating companions, along with my friend Heather and her two boys. We walked and walked and walked till our feet were sore and our candy buckets were heavy. (Well, the kids' buckets, not mine. It is usually frowned upon for 39-year olds to be trick-or-treating.)

 But see? We may be older...but we can be silly and child-like too. Heather was complimented as being "breathtakingly beautiful" and I got called "hot." Maybe not so much in this specific picture....but hey, for being a couple of 39-year olds...we'll take it!

 Our neighborhood takes on the appearance and feel of a lively carnival on Halloween night. One house decks out their garage all themed and fancy complete with tables and chairs to sit at while they make scones right there fresh and hot for you to eat. Another house provides homemade root beer (and sugar cookies for the parents). There was a full blown haunted house titled Shadows of Fear that was raising money for charity and had been advertised all over town for weeks. My neighbors said it was seriously impressive and my children claimed it was professionally creepy. We heard plenty of screaming and saw long lines as we walked by. But I was accompanied by an innocent and tender little 5-year old and I didn't feel like I should subject her to the terror of a haunted house. (Ha! See what I did there? Put the blame on the 5-year old when really I was completely relieved to have an excuse not to walk through the haunted house myself? Pretty clever, eh? All first class chickens, raise your hand and say "aye!" Yeah...that would be me.)

But the biggest draw, the thing that brings people from all over town to trick-or-treat in our neighborhood, is the house that completely transforms into a different theme every year. One with lines so long it's like trying to get into a Disneyland attraction. Past years have included Dracula, superheros, The Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland. This year...Harry Potter!! No description here could truly do it justice so you'll just have to take my word for it when I say it is A-MA-ZING!

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