Sunday, March 25, 2012


Julianne spent Friday night at the Gateway with 3 of her besties.  Seeing "The Hunger Games" was the primary reason for the trip into town, but shopping was a close second.  Julianne kind of amazes me with her fashion know-how and shopping prowess.  A second trip to Bohme and Forever 21 for some clothing items that had to be left behind due to lack of funds is in the works.  I've already heard more than once the detailed descriptions of the "perfect white blousy shirt that cuts in at the waist" and also the "vintagey pink dress with ruffles and lace."  Apparently hauling mom and her wallet to the mall is the best way to remedy the lack of funds problem.  Now the only problem I see is if I will have the self control to get in and out of the store without picking up a little something for myself.  Julianne and I make a dangerous duo when we shop together....  


Kim Anderson said...

If it eases your pain any, you can get some chocolate at the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory while you are there :)

Heidi Green said...

I agree - Julianne has an eye for fashion - she always looks effortlessly adorable. Have you seen HG yet?