Under the stairs: 1,053
Den: 1,729
Upstairs TV/sitting room: 236
Upstairs hallway: 14
Kitchen: 350 (Yes, there really is a bookshelf in the kitchen...with regular books, not cookbooks. We didn't count the cookbooks, now that I think of it!)
Living room: 28
Guest room: 37
Downstairs family room: 2,303
Exersize room: 411
Master bedroom: 5
Keep in mind that this does not count books that are out on loan...of which, I'm sure, there are many. There are at least 5 or 6 at my house alone! This also does not include the book shelf that is brimming with piano/choir/voice songbooks. Or, apparently, cookbooks. We showed the number to my dad. To which he replied, "See! This is why we can never move. How can we ever move that many books?" Luckily for my mom, my dad is a handyman who is more than capable of building many beautiful bookshelves to hold her library. And once those shelves are filled with books.... my dad calls it "expensive wallpaper."
That is A LOT of books. At what point does one have too many books?
That is truly amazing.
I'm not sure you can ever have too many books! :)
Oh hey, and I just bought four more! Julianne, thanks for counting. This was very fun.
Grandma Dalton
Oh my goodness! I know where to come if I ever need a book!:)
I love Aunt DD's library! I remember coming up to Taylorsville for family get-togethers and browsing and borrowing my own fair share of books also. I loved the nook under your stairs there, what a perfect little corner it is. And I agree, I don't think you can ever have too many books. :)
I knew I loved your mother for a reason. She is a sensible woman.
Holy Cow!! I love that I can associate your house with books. It sounds like I know who to talk to next time I need a good read. . . .
it is my dream to own that many books! how lucky you are to have a mother who you can borrow so many books from!
I copied your entire post and reposted it in my blog. I love that Julianne even thought to do a count. Way to go!
someday I hope to have as many. what I really want is a house that is grand enough to have a library with a ladder to reach the top shelves . . . I'll keep dreaming.
That is too totally cool! I want a library in my dream house. :D
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